Careers at the IAEA
The recruitment and development of experienced staff capable of meeting changing organizational needs is a high priority for the IAEA. The Agency has more than 2400 staff members from more than 90 countries with expertise in a variety of scientific, technical, managerial and professional disciplines.
Below you will find several job families used by the IAEA which group together occupations and sub-occupations into a common field of work. Examples of specific jobs that have been advertised by the IAEA in the recent past are listed below. To read the description and qualification requirements for each of those jobs, click on the job title.
To read an overview of each of these Departments, refer to the IAEA at Work – 2018 Edition (PDF).

Job Categories and Titles
The Animal Health Officer provides expertise, knowledge and services on the development, evaluation, validation and transfer of tools to control animal diseases. The Animal Health Officer also provides animal and zoonotic disease related technical and strategic advice and services to FAO and IAEA Member States as resource person on animal health research (R&D), scientific knowledge and expertise, and through design, technical backstopping, and support for the implementation and appraisal of activities aimed at the control of animal diseases and sustainable enhancement of animal production. S/he also provides scientific expertise and knowledge to conceptualize, plan, formulate, implement, manage and evaluate coordinated research projects (CRPs), support and implement technical cooperation projects (TCPs) with regard to fellowship training and technology transfer, and support capacity building in Member States on animal health/animal disease activities.
A PhD or equivalent degree in animal science/microbiology/immunology is required along with experience in animal health/animal disease control research and development.
The Entomologist provides expertise and services in the field of plant insect pests affecting crops in the context of helping MS in the planning and application of area-wide pest management (AW-IPM) programmes integrating the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and related technologies with other suppression methods.
An advanced degree in biology or related field with special emphasis on entomology is required along with experience developing, planning, implementing and evaluation the application of SIT and related techniques.
The Livestock Geneticist/Breeder provides expertise and services in the optimal utilization of local livestock genetic resources to ensure maximum productivity and the maintenance of biodiversity. S/he also provides technical and strategic advice and services to FAO and IAEA Member States through design, technical backstopping, and support for the implementation and appraisal of projects aimed at the sustainable enhancement of animal production.
An advanced degree or equivalent in veterinary or animal science with emphasis in livestock genetics, breeding or reproduction is required along with experience in livestock development, research, teaching and technology transfer programs.
The Molecular Biologist ensures that the activities of the research group on insect genetics of major plant insect pests contribute to the results of the relevant subprogramme relating to the development of the Sterile Insect Technique and other genetic control technologies for sustainable protection of agricultural production systems.
An advanced degree in biology with special emphasis on genetics and molecular biology applied to the specific species is required along with experience in developmental biology, genetics, and molecular biology.
The Analytical Chemist is resposible for ICP-MS and AAS analyses of trace elements including trouble-shooting of the instruments, supports the preparation and characterization of materials suitable as reference materials or proficiency tests materials with a strong focus on metrological aspects as documented by participation to key comparisons and pilot studies organized. S/he facilitates environmental assessment activities by quantification of trace elements in any environmental material of organic or inorganic origin, and acts as Technical Officer for relevant TC projects.
A degree in chemistry, physics, environmental sciences or a related scientific field is required along with a demonstrated strong laboratory component in the field of trace element analysis. Experience in AAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS techniques for trace element analysis in environmental samples is also needed.
The Radioisotope & Radiopharmaceutical Production Chemist provides technical advice and support, and plans and implements the programme activities relating to medical isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, their production, processing, and quality assurance and, in particular, diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.
An advanced degree, preferably PhD, in radiochemistry, nuclear pharmacy or a related field is required. Experience in radioisotope/radiopharmaceutical development, production and quality control as well as sound record of publications in the field.
The Food Safety Specialist contributes to a results based programme in response to Member States' priorities in the application of nuclear techiques to meet their food security goals as related to the traceability and authenticity of food commodities within the general context of improving food quality and safety and facilitating international trade in foods.
An advanced degree, preferably PhD, in biochemistry, analytical chemistry or a related field is required. Scientific and work experience in the measurement of stable isotopes, the application of laboratory quality assurance/quality control procedures, and knowledge of the application of stable isotope ratio measurements and related techniques applicable to food traceability and authenticity.
The Fusion Nuclear Technology Specialist is responsible for supporting Member States through enhancing international cooperation on fusion nuclear technology activities including fusion-relevant materials, and fostering the exchange of scientific results among the different partners.
An advanced degree in nuclear sciences with a strong emphasis on fusion nuclear science and technology is required. Experience in fusion energy research, including experience at a major fusion technology laboratory or facility.
The Isotope Hydrologist contributes to a results-orientated programmatic response to Member States' priorities in the application of nuclear technologies to meet their development goals related to water resources. This can include contributing to and leading the formulation and implementation of coordinated research projects and other IAEA initiatives to use isotopic techniques for water resource assessment and management, and leading and coordinating training of Member State scientists in isotopic hydrology, including the use of laser spectroscopy.
An advanced degree in physics, chemistry, hydrology or related geosciences is required. A PhD is an asset. Experience in the application of isotopic techniques for water resource management issues. Experience in conceiving, formulating and implementing field/research projects.
The Mass Spectrometry Specialist plays a major role in the mass spectrometric measurement of safeguards inspection samples in both nuclear and environmental sample laboratories. S/he takes part in quality management activities and contributes to continuous process improvements. S/he also participates in the implementation of actions and tasks relating to radiation protection and safety activities within the work environment.
An advanced degree in physical science or a related field is required. Experience with mass spectrometric measurement of isotope ratios at high accuracy or high sensitivity along with experience with either a radiological or clean room facility.
The Nuclear Physicist participates in and/or implements the project activities under the subprogramme on accelerators and nuclear instrumentation with a view to promoting and preserving strong regional and international cooperation, as well as responding to new and changing needs of Member States.
A PhD in nuclear physics or a close related field is required. Experience in particle accelerators of various energy ranges and their use in research and industry along with profound knowledge or particle and radiation detectors and their use.
The Plant Breeder/Geneticist contributes to a results-orientated programmatic response to Member States' priorities in the application of nuclear technologies in plant breeding to meet their food security goals. This can include implementing coordinated research projects related to nuclear and other advanced technologies in plant breeding, especially in environmentally stressed conditions, including the evaluation of research contracts and agreement proposals, monitoring the progress of projects, organization of meetings and the publication of results. It can also includes planning and organizing scientific and advisory meetings, participate in technical missions, and representing the IAEA at international meetings and conferences.
An advanced degree (PhD) or equivalent in plant breeding and genetics with a sound background in agronomy or plant physiology or ecophysiology related to stress environments is required. Experience in plant breeding and crop improvement in developing countries.
The Radiation Protection Specialist is responsible for implementing activities related to the radiation protection of patients. This can include leading the development of international guidance material for implementation of radiation protection of patients in clinical practice, mainly in relation to radiodiagnostic or radiotherapeutic applications, to form the basis of international activities in one of these areas. It can also include promoting the exchange of information among specialists at the international level of the latest technical developments in the area, e.g. through the organization of special projects on specific technical topics related to radiation protection in medicine, through the enhanced provision of readily available, quality information, and through technical meetings.
An advanced degree in the field of radiation protection or a related science (e.g. medical physics, health physics, biomedical science) is required. Experience in the field of radiation protection of patients and the application of international safety standards in developing countries.
The Radiochemistry Specialist applies substantial knowledge of radioanalytical methods to analyse environmental samples of marine origin. S/he is responsible for the relevant project in the IAEA's programme, liaises with organizations active in this field and with relevant user communities in Member States, and contributes to modifications and improvements to equipment and methodologies for the effective application of nuclear and associated.
An advanced degree in chemistry or a related science with a background in environmental radioactivity is required. Experience in radioanalytical or nuclear chemistry and their applications to environmental samples. Experience in low level counting techniques by alpha- and gamma-spectrometry and beta-counting techniques. Techniques in marine environmental and related sciences
The Radioecologist is a specialist in (radio)ecology issues in the terrestrial environment, in the interaction of radionuclides with biotic communities, and in assessing their radiation effects on man and biota. S/he contributes to methodological developments for assessment and modelling of radionuclide transfer in the terrestrial, atmospheric and freshwater environment. S/he is responsible for the relevant project in the IAEA programme, liaises with organisations active in this field and provides advice to users in Member States, including guidance in cases of radioactivity releases into the environment and remediation of contaminated sites.
An advanced degree in ecology, chemistry, environmental sciences, agriculture, physics, biology or a closely related science with a strong background in terrestrial or freshwater radioecology is required. Experience in radioecological studies, remediation or assessment of the impact of radionuclides on biotic systems.
The Reference Materials Specialist is responsible for planning, organization and execution of interlaboratory comparisons for determination of radionuclides and trace elements in various types of materials of terrestrial origin. The incumbent interacts with a large number of Member States Laboratories and is required to select expert laboratories for characterization of reference materials based on in depth knowledge of current analytical practices and laboratory analytical capabilities.
University degree in inorganic, analytical or radio-analytical chemistry or another related scientific field. Experience in the field of the preparation of reference materials and statistical evaluation of analytical results and/or in the field of determination of radionuclides.
The Research Scientist carries out laboratory experimental research using radiotracer and stable isotope techniques aimed at assessing the processes controlling biokinetics of radionuclides and other trace elements in ecosystems with emphasis on: (a) how biological characteristics and processes affect the transfer of radionuclides and other trace elements into organisms and their subsequent bioavailability to consumers, (b) the use of artificial and natural radionuclides and radiotracers to study element transfer through food webs and life stages of organisms; (c) the application of experimental radiotracer techniques to evaluate the bioaccumulation, transfer, fate and effects of artificial and natural radionuclides, analogue elements and toxic elements or compounds in marine organisms, d) the impacts of environmental/climate change (in particular ocean acidification) on their direct impacts on marine biota and on contaminant transfer, using nuclear and stable isotopic techniques.
An advanced degree in environmental sciences (i.e. biology, radioecology, biogeochemistry or oceanography) is required. Experience in the study of radioecology and/or ecotoxicology and the transfer of contaminants in marine systems using nuclear techniques. Experience in ocean acidification studies and its biological impacts.
The Soil Scientist contributes to the sub-programme relating to the development of improved soil conservation measures and strategies improving soil fertility and quality for sustainable agriculture through the use of nuclear and related technologies. S/he also provides expertise in the evaluation of land management practices that reduce erosion/sedimentation impact, enhance soil resilience to climate change and variability, and increase the conservation of land resources for sustainable agriculture.
Advanced degree (preferably PhD) specializing in soil management and conservation is required. Experience in the areas of development of soil conservation strategies using nuclear techniques and substantial experience supported by publications in international peer-reviewed journals in the use of fallout radionuclides and compound-specific stable isotopes in assessing soil erosion due to human activities and/or climate change.
The Uranium Resource Specialist participates in project activities, develops international guidelines, develops and implements new programmes on training, assists Member States to enhance their nuclear energy operations, and provides technical assistance at the request of Member States.
University degree in geology, mining, chemical engineering or a related technical field. Experience in uranium geology and resources administration.
The Energy/Environmental Economist assists Member States in elaborating their sustainable energy strategies by building capacity in Member States in the area of comprehensive energy-economy-environment (3E) analysis, and through comparative assessment studies on the potential role of different technology options, including nuclear power, for sustainable energy development.
An advanced degree in energy economics, energy or environmental policy analysis, industrial economics, operations research, or a related field of study of direct relevance to nuclear energy analysis and economics is required. Working experience in analysis and modelling of energy and electricity markets, complex energy infrastructure development, energy and sustainability indicators along with extensive experience in the application of advanced statistical methods and mathematical analysis.
The Energy Planner/Economist assists Member States in elaboratoring their sustainable energy strategies and building capacity in the area of energy-environment planning. This is done by conducting comparative assessment studies on the potential role of difference technology options, including nuclear power, for sustainable energy development, and develping pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for the introduction of nuclear power.
An advanced degree in energy economics, operations research, electrical/mechanical/nuclear enigneering, environmental policy analysis, industrial engineering, or a related field of study is required. Experience in modelling and analysis of complex energy infrastructure development.
The Energy Systems Analyst ensures that the specialized application software of the IAEA's analytical tools for energy systems analysis (energy models) are well maintained and functional on various computer systems/platforms, and that approved enhancements to the energy models are incorporated in an efficient manner ensuring compliance with the standards and compatibility with end-user resources.
A university degree in systems analysis, operations research, computer science, applied mathematics, energy economics, engineering or natural sciences is required. Working experience in developing and maintaining specialized application software with special focus on energy system modelling and analysis.
The Decommissioning Specialist contributes specialized technical knowledge to the planning of the work programme and implements activities and projects related to nuclear facility decommissioning. This can include taking the lead in strengthening cooperation in International Decommissioning Network (IDN)-related activities between the IAEA and other international organizations and supporting all networks in achieving practical, measurable results. S/he will also contribute to the design, evaluation and implementation of the IAEA's decommissioning programme, including the organization, definition and delivery of decommissioning training activities, and will conduct studies and assessments of decommissioning-related issues and trends leading to the development and publication of international recommendations.
A university degree in engineering or physics, chemistry or environmental science is required. Experience in the field of radioactive waste management and/or decommissioning as well as developing and implementing projects at the international level and awareness of international programmes for radioactive waste disposal.
The Emergency Response Training Officer designs, develops and implements a training program for IAEA staff members participating in the IAEA's Incident and Emergency System (IES). Additionally, S/he responds to radiation incidents and emergencies and contributes to the enhancing of the IAEA's IEs.
A university degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, physics or another related field is required. Experience at the national level in emergency preparedness and response, including in the provision of training.
The Nuclear Engineer formulates, coordinates, and implements the IAEA's activities on nuclear power infrastructure development. In particular, S/he plans and coordinates assigned projects to support specific programmes and services aimed at guiding and strengthening the capacity of Member States planning to introduce nuclear power through proper development of the necessary infrastructure.
An advanced degree in engineering (nuclear/chemical), physics, mathematics, or a related field is required. Experience in nuclear infrastructure development for first nuclear power plants, program planning, structuring, implementation and project management.
The Nuclear Engineer is involved in project activities including improving RR utilization through strategic and business planning, fostering the establishment of partnerships and networks aimed at improving operation and utilization standards of RRs, disseminating good practices on RR refurbishment, modernization and operation, coordinating studies on RR analysis and modelling, assisting in planning and building of new national and regional RRs and helping Member States to cope with their RR fuel cycle issues.
An advanced degree in nuclear engineering or a related technical field is required. Experience in the subject area, particularly in RR operation and maintenance, modernization and refurbishment, ageing management, management systems, materials properities, design of structures, systems and components, fuel technology, conversion, modelling and analysis and applications.
The Nuclear Fuel Engineering Specialist organizes Technical Meetings, international symposia, training programmes and Workshops. S/he prepares state-of-the-art reports and IAEA Nuclear Energy Series documents, and supports technical cooperation (TC) projects, in the areas of nuclear power reactor fuel design, engineering and performance behaviour assessment.
An advanced degree in nuclear engineering, physics or materials science is required. Hands-on experience in fuel engineering technologies for different fuels and reactor types, fuel physics and performance behavior or materials science.
The Nuclear Instrumentation Engineer provides technical support for procurement, acceptance testing, and delivery and installation of equipment, as well as demonstration and training of front-line officers on the proper use of equipment.
University degree in nuclear physics with in-depth theoretical and practical training in areas relevant to detecting nuclear and other radioactive material is required. Experience in the detection and characterization of nuclear and radioactive materials.
The Nuclear Power Engineer ensures a results-oriented programmatic response to Member States' priorities by organizing training programmes, workshops and technical meetings, and preparing state-of-the-art reports on the modernization of instrumentation and control (I&C) projects, application of digital I&C systems, human factor engineering, ageing management of cable and electric components and electric grid stability.
University degree in the field of electrical or nuclear engineering is required. Working experience in engineering and the operation of I&C and electric systems of nuclear power plants. Comprehensive experience in the coordination of international projects related to engineering for I&C and electric systems of nuclear power plants.
The Senior Nuclear Security Officer will establish and implement the IAEA program for transport security of nuclear and radioactive materials, including threat and security assessment. S/he will also develop the nuclear regulatory infrastructure and capabilities, provide expertise for national efforts in the physical protection of transportation activities, sustainability of tranport systems and transport security culture.
The Senior Nuclear Security Officer will also contribute to the Intl. Physical Protection Advisory Service missions and follow-up activities by providing expertise to countries establishing and upgrading national regulatory frameworks and security systems for transportation of nuclear and radioactive material.
An advanced degree in nuclear engineering, civil engineering, physics or chemistry is required. Experience in transport security including at the international level.
The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for the effective and efficient support of the Division's quality management system, with respect to the assurance of analysis quality from the laboratories and the quality of measurements made by the NWAL. The team also maintains the external certification (and soon accreditation) of the laboratory and will contribute to coordinating an IT project for installing a new Laboratory Information Management System.
An advanced degree in engineering physics, physical science or a related discipline is required. Experience in technical project and quality management, preferably in the nuclear field in a national or international organization.
The Radioactive Waste Management Specialist participates in project activities, develops international guidelines, develops and implements new training programmes, assists Member States in formulating and implementing spent fuel and waste management policy and strategies to enhance their nuclear energy operations, and provides technical assistance at the request of Member States.
An advanced degree (PhD preferable) in nuclear engineering or in a related technical or scientific discipline. Experience in the back-end of the fuel cycle and related activities with experience at the international level.
The Senior Safety Officer manages projects and develops, organizes and implements the IAEA activities on operating experience of nuclear facilities and installations. S/he assists Member States in enhancing the safety of nuclear installations and facilities and promotes the preparation and use of IAEA safety standards. S/he provides technical assistance at the request of Member States and ensures the application of the IAEA's safety standards.
An advanced degree in engineering or physical/nuclear sciences, with additional in-depth knowledge of nuclear power plant management and operations. Experience in a nuclear power plant operation, operating experience and peer reviews.
The Statistician is responsible for the application of appropriate statistical tools in support of the laboratory mission. This includes the effective and efficient assessment of analysis quality from the laboratories and the quality of measurements made by the network of analytical laboratories. The Statistician advises management and laboratory staff on best practices regarding estimation of measurement uncertainty, and is responsible for the design, implementation, evaluation and reporting on appropriate proficiency tests and inter-laboratory comparisons.
University degree in statistics or a related discipline. Experience in applied statistics, preferably in a laboratory environment.
The Transport Safety Specialist is responsible for implementing activities related to the safe transport of radioactive material. This can include developing and reviewing international recommendations and guidance related to the safe transport of radioactive material and working with Member States and international organizations to identify means of improving the safe transport of radioactive material at the international level.
An advanced degree in science or engineering with a specialization in an appropriate subject, such as radiation protection, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering or health physics is required. Experience in regulating the safe transport of radioactive material and radiation protection.
The Uranium Production Specialist organizes training programmes, workshops and technical meetings; prepares state-of-the-art reports; participates in peer reviews of uranium production facilities; and supports technical cooperation (TC) projects. S/he specializes in the area of the uranium raw material production cycle, including mining and milling, related environmental protection issues and best practices, as well as mine and mill reclamation and remediation.
University degree in chemical, metallurgy or mining engineering, or a related technical or scientific discipline is required. Experience in industrial uranium production cycle and nuclear fuel cycle activities.
The Waste Safety Specialist implements activities related to the safe remediation of contaminated sites and facilities, safe management of radioactive residues and waste arising from uranium production and other NORM operations. This can include developing international safety standards and guidance material, acting as a technical specialist and team leader, participating in or leading international advisory and appraisal missions related to radiological and safety assessments, and serving as a coordinator for the preparation of specialist documents.
An advanced degree in nuclear or physical sciences or engineering. Experience (regulatory, industrial or both) in the fields of radioactive waste and radiation safety, some of which should have been concerned with regulatory or safety aspects of environmental remediation and the management of NORM residues and waste, including uranium mine/mill tailings.
The Dosimetrist contributes specialized technical knowledge and experience to the implementation of activities related to the dosimetry audit services. The incumbent performs dosimetry measurements, processes data, analyses results of measurements and contributes to laboratory developments in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. S/he takes part in lab quality management activities and contributes to continual process improvements. S/he contributes to the implementation of actions and tasks relating to radiation protection and safety activities of the lab.
University degree in radiation dosimetry, radiation physics or medical radiation physics is required. An advanced degree is preferable. Experience in a radiotherapy center, dosimetry calibration laboratory, or a research institute dealing with high precision radiation dosimetry.
The Radiation Protection Specialist develops international recommendations and guidance related to the radiation protection of patients and provides authoritative and objective information to Member States and working with them, through the IAEA's technical cooperation programme, to identify means of reducing exposure from radiation to patients. S/he also maintains an overview of the status of the radiation protection of patients in Member States and working collaboratively with experts in Member States on special projects related to new developments in the field.
An advanced university degree in the field of radiation protection or a related science (e.g. medical physics, health physics, biomedical science) is required. Experience in the field of radiation protection of patients and in the application of international safety standards in developing countries.
The Medical Physicist (Diagnostic Radiology) contributes specialized technical input to the formulation and implementation of projects in medical physics related to diagnostic radiology imaging, quality assurance and optimization, and dosimetry. S/he assists Member States to establish quality assurance programmes in medical physics in X-ray diagnostic radiology.
An advanced degree (PhD) in medical radiation physics with competence in diagnostic radiology imaging and x-ray dosimetry is required. Experience in medical radiation physics in the field of diagnostic radiology and x-ray dosimetry in secondary standards laboratories.
The Medical Physicist (Nuclear Medicine) contributes specialized technical input to the formulation and implementation of projects related to the medical physics aspects of nuclear medicine practice, including quality assurance and radiation protection. The incumbent provides advice and supports Member States to plan training for medical physicists, to design the layout of facilities, and to develop and maintain physics aspects of QA programmes including accurate radioactivity measurements.
An advanced university degree, preferably PhD, in medical physics with expertise in nuclear medicine physics is required. Experience in medical physics and in nuclear medicine physics, as well as experience in establishing and/or improving quality assurance programs for nuclear medicine.
The Nuclear Medicine Physician coordinates and supports research, provides technical and advisory services and collects, analyses and disseminates information related to the application of nuclear techniques using in vivo and in vitro unsealed radiation sources in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and in basic and applied research in the field of human health.
A university degree in medicine with a postgraduate specialization degree in nuclear medicine is required. Experience in the field of clinical nuclear medicine and in conducting basic and clinical research, possibly in an academic environment. Experience also in managing international projects.
The Nutrition Specialist will formulate and implement nutrition projects to combat malnutrition in all its forms in IAEA Member States. This will include conceptualization, design and implementation of coordinated research projects, providing technical assistance to nutrition projects supported by the IAEA technical cooperation programme, and developing guidelines and distance learning modules on nuclear techniques in nutrition.
A PhD in nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, physiology or a related field in required. Experience in nutrition, including with nuclear techniques in nutrition and experience with nutritional interventions in developing countries. Experience with international project coordination.
The Radiation Oncologist coordinates and supports research, provides technical and advisory services and collects, analyses and disseminates information related to radiation therapy as applied to cancer treatment. S/he initiates activities in the field of radiotherapy aiming at upgrading radiotherapy capabilities and research in developing countries to help improve cancer cure rates in safe clinical practice, and develops guidelines, training material and teaching programmes in radiation oncology for developing countries.
The Radiation Protection, Health and Safety Officer ensures that all laboratory work with radiation sources including radioactive material is carried out safely and in accordance with the IAEA Radiation Safety Regulations and that the relevant local radiation safety requirements of the host countries are met. The RPSO is responsible for day to day coordination of activities necessary to fulfil radiation protection, health, biological and chemical safety requirements in the NA Laboratories and also provides support for security issues. This includes planning, provision of technical guidance and reporting as well as communication and training.
An advanced university degree in nuclear/radiation physics, health physics, nuclear engineering or a related discipline is required. Experience in radiation protection and performing the responsibilities/functions of a radiation protection officer, including the organization/operation of radiation protection programmes, training workers in radiation protection, and particularly supervising laboratory activities involving open alpha emitting radionuclides.
The Radiotherapy Medical Physicist contributes to the enhancement of the capability of Member States to develop and implement new techniques, methodologies and training materials in the physical aspects of radiotherapy, particularly for quality assurance programmes.
A PhD in medical physics or equivalent field is required. Clinical experience in radiotherapy physics, in radiotherapy treatment planning, beam calibration, clinical dosimetry, radiotherapy equipment commissioning, and in project design, monitoring and implementation.
The Emergency Preparedness Officer is responsible for those aspects of the work relating to the development of Safety Standards in the area of preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies. S/he advises on emergency preparedness and response aspects, if they are covered, in any other Safety Standards.
An advanced degree in physics or radiation protection is required. Experience in incident and emergency preparedness and response as well as in the development and application of international standards, guidelines and tools in incident and emergency preparedness at national and international levels.
The Safeguards Information Analyst collects, collates and analyses safeguards relevant information in support of the State evaluation process. This is done by conducting analyses of open source information in order to determine the presence or absence of proliferation indicators and to assess safeguards and proliferation implications, including analysis of the IAEA support projects. Also searching, exploring, collecting, screening, storing and evaluating the quality and reliability of information.
University degree in nuclear science, chemistry, physics, engineering or a similar field is required. Experience in nuclear non-proliferation analysis including proliferation-related analysis. Experience in information collection, processing and analysis. originating from different open sources
The Business Analyst/Project Manager translates the IAEA's business requirements and objectives into information technology capabilities, and provides management, administration and leadership for project teams, ensuring that projects are delivered within agreed tolerances of time and budget.
A university degree in computer science, IT or an equivalent field is required. Experience as a business analyst, project manager or both, in a information systesms context along with experience utilizing a structured methodology such as PMP or PRINCE2.
The Database Administrator ensures high availability of data assets, plays a key role in the design, implementation and management of database management systems and enterprise content management infrastructure which are the foundation of the single authoritative source of subject matter information.
A university degree in information technology, computer science or related field is required. Experience in the design, development and administration of relational database systems, with proven experience in relational database system administration, preferably SQL Server. Experience also in integrating relational database systems with various data sources such as spread sheets, SAS, MS Access, mainframe systems other relational database systems. Experience with relational database system availability technologies such as database replication, mirroring, log shipping and fail-over clustering.
The Geographic Information Systems Engineer serves as the lead system administrator for geographic information systems, including the design, installation, configuration and operation of integrated geographic information systems. S/he ensures the secure and reliable operation of geographic information systems and leads projects which enhance and develop the capabilities of such systems which includes performance tuning, scaling, maintenance and monitoring. The GIS Engineer interfaces and coordinates with third party vendors and contractors in order to integrate custom and commercial off-the-shelf components of geographic information systems and establishes and develops standards, procedures and documentation for the efficient and secure operation of the Department's geographic information systems.
A university degree in computer science, remote sensing, geography, GIS, or a closely related field is required. Experience in the field of large GIS integration projects or other relevant fields of work, along wtih experience with IT service quality standard processes and service delivery (for example, ITIL).
The IT Security Engineer helps the IAEA information and communication technology services define and create repeatable and consistent processes to strengthen IAEA information security. The IT Security Engineer participates in the development and delivery of a comprehensive IT security program for the IAEA. S/he also participates in implementation of IT security projects, and the administration and verification of security controls as well as in technical investigations following possible security incidents.
A university degree in computer science, information management or a related field is required. Experience in managing IT security programs in an IT enterprise environment, including using incident management and change management processes. Hands-on experience in IT security infrastructure systems providing access control, vulnerability management, incident identification and incident response.
The IT Systems Engineer applies technical knowledge in the design, development and implementation of Windows based server and systems infrastructure. This is achieved by leading projects and providing technical leadership to enhance and support the integrated safeguards environment with the objective of achieving highly reliable, secure and high availability, and establishing standards, policies and procedures for the efficient and secure operation of IT systems.
A university degree in fields related to information technology, computer science or related engineering field is required. Experience in the relevant field(s) mentioned above, especially in an environment with significant IT security constraints. Practical experience in system installation, configuration, integration of diverse systems, trouble shooting and problem resolution. Practical experience in producing functional specifications and formulating solutions to meet user requirements. Practical experience with IT service quality standard processes and service delivery (for example, ITIL).
The IT Systems Engineer applies technical knowledge in the design, development and implementation of Windows based server and systems infrastructure. This is achieved by leading projects and providing technical leadership to enhance and support the integrated safeguards environment with the objective of achieving highly reliable, secure and high availability, and establishing standards, policies and procedures for the efficient and secure operation of IT systems.
A university degree in fields related to information technology, computer science or related engineering field is required. Experience in the relevant field(s) mentioned above, especially in an environment with significant IT security constraints. Practical experience in system installation, configuration, integration of diverse systems, trouble shooting and problem resolution. Practical experience in producing functional specifications and formulating solutions to meet user requirements. Practical experience with IT service quality standard processes and service delivery (for example, ITIL).
The Library Systems Analyst develops Standard Operating Procedures of the IAEA Library's information system and applies technical knowledge in creating an IT plan for the Library, implementing and supporting IT solutions aimed at improving business processes and systems to meet Library needs. S/he maintains effective use of technology and secures IT operational excellence for the Library.
A university degree in software engineering required and a PRINCE2 registered practicioner. Experience in providing system support and with an integrated library management system.
The Nuclear Security Information Officer contributes to providing the information platform on which the effective and efficient implementation of the IAEA Nuclear Security Programme and the IAEA’s Nuclear Security Plan. S/he identifies and develops new technical guidance for Member States, and is a Project Manager of IT development work both by in-house and external contractors and consultants.
A university degree in computer science, computer security, information technology, electrical engineering or related fields is required. Post graduate degree in computer security, nuclear engineering, nuclear security or related subjects is desirable. Experience in information and computer security.
The Remote Monitoring Engineer leverages considerable networking expertise and application development skills to programme remote monitoring software, improve the remote monitoring infrastructure and install and upgrade remote monitoring systems in the field.
An advanced university degree or commensurate experience in computer engineering, electrical engineering, computer science or associated disciplines is required. Experience in software engineering and development, preferably with at least five years of experience in the field of mobile application development.
The Software Engineer/SharePoint Specialist provides advice and support for computerized solutions aimed at improving business processes and systems to meet organizational needs and also applies technical knowledge to design, build and implement effective SharePoint-based information systems.
A university degree in software engineering or a related field (such as information management, electronic engineering or computer science) is required. Experience in Microsoft-based software development, including designing and developing SharePoint-based solutions. Experience in software project management with demonstrated abilities in terms of project planning and estimating, work assignment and supervision, and progress review and reporting.
The Administrative Officer ensures the provision of the administrative, financial and human resource (HR) support services required for implementation of the Department's programme in an efficient and costeffective manner through interaction with the IAEA's management services.
A university degree in management, business administration, or a related field is required. Experience in the management of human and financial resources, of which five years thereof at the international level, preferably in a UN organization.
The Communications Specialist manages the Department's internal and external communications. In so doing, the incumbent analyzes the Department's communication needs in relation to its target audiences and also prepares speeches, reports, articles and other communications with a content and style appropriate to the audience, venue and message.
An advanced university (or equivalent) degree in communications, public or foreign relations, science, or another relevant field. Experience in communication and technical writing, preferably with strong international experience. Experience in analyzing the communication needs of a large organization, preferably in an international environment, and identifying opportunities and solutions for addressing those communication needs on an ongoing basis.
The Coordination Officer provides advice, liaison and support to policy development, coordination and implementation. The Coordination Officer assists in research and analysis, review and clearance of various reports and correspondence.
A university degree in political science, international relations, communication studies or a related field is required. Experience in international relations and/or policy making.
The Outreach Officer develops and coordinates multifaceted communication campaigns which highlight the significant contribution of the IAEA in ensuring global nuclear security. In addition, S/he is the office's main focal point for organizing in-house briefings requested by Member States, international organizations and NGOs. S/he is responsible for the production of and maintenance of a comprehensive suite of outreach material for use by the IAEA staff and dissemination to the general public.
A university degree in communication/journalism/international relations/political sciences/sciences/technical writing is required. Experience with increasing responsibilities in public affairs, communications and related fields, specifically demonstrating capabilities to effectively write, edit and present public information on complex subjects for print and digital media, preferably at international or intergovernmental level. Experience in developing content that may utilize social media, multimedia, apps and web publishing tools. Experience in supervising editorial production of print and public information products, including publications in multiple language editions.
The Press and Public Information Officer responds to media queries and develop outreach campaigns, information materials and events to highlight and explain IAEA activities, in order to increase knowledge and understanding of nuclear issues and the Agency's work.
A university degree in journalism, international relations, a relevant scientific discipline or a related area is required. Experience in journalism and/or the press office of an international organization, and a thorough working knowledge of the news media and their needs. Experience of reporting on international affairs, and preferably on nuclear issues.
The Public Information Specialist/Content Editor actively supports in maintaining and enhancing the quality, timeliness, and measurable impact of content for public information products in print and digital formats.
A university degree in communication/journalism/international relations/political sciences/sciences/technical writing is required. Experience with increasing responsibilities in public affairs, communications and related fields, specifically demonstrating capabilities to effectively write, edit, and present public information on complex subjects for print and digital media, preferably at international or intergovernmental level. Experience in developing content that may utilize social media, multimedia, apps and web publishing tools. Experience in supervising editorial production of print and public information products, including publication in multiple language editions.
The Education Officer is responsible for the development and maintenance of a global education programme in nuclear security and the coordination of the delivery and evaluation of the programme to States through the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) and leads the development of IAEA guidance documents related to nuclear security education.
An advanced degree relating to education, training or another relevant area in nuclear security is required. Experience in developing, establishing and delivering education and training in technical subjects, and in conducting analyses of training needs and the ability to contribute to the development of a range of training resources.
The Accounting Specialist supports the resolution of accounting and related financial system issues. S/he analyses and provides solutions to resolve accounting issues and improve processes and coordinates with staff within and outside the Division of Budget and Finance to ensure appropriate resolution. S/he maintains and monitors accounting records, ensuring the proper application of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), Financial Regulations, Financial Rules and established procedures related to accounting matters. The Accounting Specialist also prepares and reviews financial reports, ensuring that the financial system provides correct financial information with adequate system controls and validations.
A university degree in the field of business administration, finance or accounting. Professional qualification such as CPA or equivalent qualification. Experience in finance and accounting and with implementing international accounting standards in the public sector. Hands-on experience in the use of an ERP system (Oracle).
The Finance Officer maintains and monitors accounting records and ensures proper application of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), Financial Regulations, Financial Rules and established procedures related to accounting matters. S/he also prepares and reviews financial reports ensuring that the financial system provides correct financial information ensuring adequate system controls and validations are in place.
A university degree in accounting, financial management or a related field is required. A professional qualification (CPA) is also required. Experience in preparing financial statements in accordance with IPSAS or another set of internationally recognized set of accounting standards. Hands-on experience in the use of an ERP system (Oracle).
The Programme and Budget Specialist analyses programme and budget proposals for completeness, correctness and conformity with the programme and budget guidelines; advises programme managers on the programme and budget process, from planning to implementation and reporting, providing guidance for an effective and efficient management of financial resources during the implementation of the budget; and prepares financial reports.
A university degree in business administration, accounting or finance, or a closely related field is required. Experience in budget and/or accounting, including at the international level. Hands-on experience in the use of an ERP system (Oracle).
The Nuclear Safeguards Inspector participates in the implementation of the IAEA's safeguards activities and functions as a safeguards inspector. In this role, S/he prepares for and performs safeguards verification in conformity with safeguards agreements, and documents and reports on the results of these activities.
A university degree in physics, chemistry or engineering with specialization during studies in nuclear engineering / technology, applied (nuclear) physics, electrical/electronic/mechanical engineering, chemical/metallurgical or industrial process engineering or radiochemistry is required. Relevant hands-on experience in the nuclear field, preferably in the operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Experience in assimilating and analysing complex situations and new concepts.
The Evaluation Officer conducts evaluations of IAEA projects and programmes, provides independent and objective advisory services to managers and participates in the development and update of evaluation methods and procedures in the Office of Internal Oversight Services.
An advanced degree in social science, political science, engineering, economics, or another relevant advanced degree is required. Experience related to evaluation and experience in a central role (adviser or line manager) related to planning and implementing major organizational changes in larger organizations, and in field work, project management or programme implementation.
The Programme Management Officer develops and manages programmes and projects in the area of nuclear technology based on Member States' development needs. This is done by assessing and interpreting the political, social and economic environment of assigned countries and provide inputs to Country Programme Frameworks addressing TC strategy and policy issues.
An advanced university degree in management, social sciences, science and technology, or international relations is required. Experience in the development and management of technical cooperation programmes, preferably in the nuclear field.
The Knowledge Management Specialist builds on experience with knowledge management issues in the nuclear sector, with respect to the entire nuclear life-cycle, including decommissioning, radiation waste management, and environmental remediation, and supports development/implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) methods, including the development of sustainable knowledge management systems and processes to capture and manage nuclear information and resources based on Member State needs.
An advanced university degree in nuclear engineering or natural science/technology is required. Experience in the nuclear sector with demonstrated successful track record of efficient and effective handling of knowledge management related projects in scientific and technical environments. Experience in advanced information services, in data quality evaluation and in subject classification, detailed knowledge in organizing information resources. Experience in project management, including in information management and knowledge management project coordination.
The Librarian manages the procurement and processing of information resources in both electronic and print format for the IAEA, including the laboratories in Seibersdorf and Monaco. S/he ensures that IAEA procurement and financial regulations and procedures are followed, provides quality control for the formal and analytical description of information resources, and performs description of information sources in complex cases.
A university degree in library or information science is required. Experience in library or information service with demonstrated increasing responsibilities.
The Nuclear Human Resource Development Specialist (Nuclear HRD Specialist) supports and implements the IAEA's projects and activities in the area of human resource development in the nuclear industry. This includes planning, developing and implementing projects and activities aimed at helping States to enhance their human resource development programs, planning and leading Technical and Consultancy Meetings, and implementing technical cooperation (TC) projects in the area of human resource development.
An advanced degree in engineering or in HR development or a related field is required. Experience in HR development activities in the nuclear industry, including at the international level. Experience in the principles and developments relating to the field of human resource development for organizations that are responsible for nuclear facilities.
The Safety Officer contributes to and coordinates the improvement and implementation of the IAEA's concept of capacity building and infrastructure on safety and security in the Member States and internally the capacity building and quality management system of the Department.
A university degree in engineering or physical/nuclear sciences or education/adult learning is required. Experience in education and training, human resource development, knowledge management and establishment of management systems. Experience also in project management, including information management, human resource management and knowledge management projects.
The Training Specialist ensures a results-oriented programmatic response to Member States' priorities by organizing training programmes, workshops and technical meetings, preparing state-of-the-art reports on nuclear industry personnel development, including SAT-based training and qualification, manager development, HR systems and training development in relation to assistance and advice given to Member States.
A university degree in human resources development or related field is required. Experience in training and/or human resource development in the nuclear power industry as well as in establishing networks/communities of practice in the nuclear industry. Experience in advanced training technologies, including e-learning in the nuclear industry.
The Internal Auditor plans and conducts financial, management, operational and value for money audits of assigned organizational and functional activities in accordance with the Internal Audit Manual.
An advanced university degree in accounting, public administration, finance, or economics is required. Experience in auditing at the national or international level.
The Legal Officer drafts legal opinions, legal instruments and documents and provides legal advice on the application and interpretation of such instruments and documents.
An advanced law degree with good academic record is required. Experience in law and in preparing legal drafts.
The HR Planning Specialist ensures the integrity in the application of the classification standards across the IAEA and ensures the quality and relevance of job descriptions.
An advanced university degree in HR, business or public administration is required. HR management experience in the area of job classification and design as well as in the development of HR policies.
The Recruitment Officer ensures the successful and efficient recruitment of staff for specific Departments by participating in and providing advice to managers on the recruitment process and reviewing complex recruitment cases and recommending solutions.
A university degree, preferably in human resource management, public or business administration is required. Experience in human resources management with emphasis on recruitment, including experience at an international level.
The Procurement Officer is responsible for the procurement of a variety of commercially-available goods and services. S/he also promotes the principles of best value for at all stages of the procurement cycle, and reviews existing policy, processes and procedures and recommending improvements.
A university degree in business administration, public administration, commerce, engineering, science, law or other relevant discipline is required. A certificate in Purchasing & Supply - for example, ISM, CPM or CPSM. Experience in high volume procurement operations of which at least two at the international level or in a company related to IAEA’s mandate.
The Editor carries out detailed editing of complex scientific/technical manuscripts and a limited number of policy related documents and advocacy materials, in compliance with international scientific editing and publishing standards and the IAEA's publishing policies and practices. The Editor ensures that the IAEA's quality standards are being met in all publications and policy related documents and that customers receive professional, efficient and expeditious editorial services that are responsive to their needs. S/he coordinates the production and publication of scientific and technical manuscripts, policy related documents and advocacy materials.
A university degree in English or a relevant scientific area is required. Experience in scientific editing and publishing, preferably with a science publisher, and experience in the publishing programme of an international, public sector or nonprofit organization highly desirable.
The Reviser translates and revises a range of administrative, legal, economic, scientific and technical texts, particularly in the field of nuclear physics and engineering. The incumbent applies his/her analytical, linguistic and drafting skills to translating texts and to revising texts translated by others. S/he checks the work of translators for accuracy, completeness, comprehensibility, style and presentation and is responsible for the quality of the translation of the texts which pass through his/her hands.
A university degree in languages or in a technical or scientific field is required. Experience with an international organization, public sector or non-profit organization or equivalent and a mother tongue of one of the official IAEA languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish).
The Translator translates a range of administrative, legal, economic, scientific and technical texts, particularly in the field of nuclear physics and engineering. The incumbent applies his/her analytical, linguistic and drafting skills to translating texts covering all aspects of the IAEA's activities.
A university degree in languages or in a technical or scientific field is required. Experience in translating scientific and technical texts into the official IAEA language designated (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish).
The Safeguards Analyst develops elements of the State-level concept, evaluates safeguards approaches at the facility and State level, supports operations in implementation issues of all kinds, provides technical support for State and safeguards approach evaluations, and prepares working documents for consideration within the Department of Safeguards and by international consultant and advisory groups.
An advanced degree in physical science, engineering, mathematics, or a related discipline is required. Experience in the nuclear fuel cycle industry, regulations or research with knowledge of nuclear safeguards and nuclear materials management. Experience in organizing and conducting working groups and technical meetings.
The Satellite Imagery Analyst contributes expertise in the processing and analysis of multisensor imagery in support of the Section's mission in assisting the Department's objective with regard to nuclear verification evaluation.
University degree in Remote Sensing, Geography, Information Technology or closely related field or, given the specifications of the field, equivalent qualification relevant to imagery analysis developed through training and other competence-building within an imagery-related environment, in a military, national, or international environment is required. Experience in multisensor imagery and geospatial analysis.
The Surveillance Systems Engineer provides professional expertise for the deployment of digital surveillance systems and other vision technologies for safeguards purposes. S/he contributes to the development of surveillance methods and techniques for unattended and remote applications. S/he further provides expert assistance to the Operations Divisions on the use of surveillance equipment and the review of the data obtained.
University degree in electronics engineering, preferably with specialization in digital imaging and/or computer networks. Experience in managing technical projects including experiendce in optical surveillance applications.
The Safeguards Data Evaluator provides statistical methodologies and tools, statistical evaluations of safeguards data and preparing routine and special evaluation reports on Material Unaccounted For (MUF), Shipper -Receiver Differences (SRD) and Operator-Inspector Difference (D) statistics, sampling plans and random inspection strategies and results, quality of measurements and effectiveness of the results of inspections and consistency of sampling results with declared nuclear fuel cycle materials and processes.
University degree in nuclear engineering, physics, chemistry, applied statistics, computer science or related disciplines is required. Experience relevant to nuclear fuel cycle analysis, nuclear fuel cycle metrology, and nuclear fuel cycle modelling methodologies and codes. Experience with maintenance and development of scientific software applications and databases (EXCEL, Mathematica, Matlab, SAS, Statistica, databases: ORACLE, MS SQL Server) and in measurement of error estimation and propagation and statistical sampling methodologies.